
Channeled by Margaret McCormick

Forgiveness may be very different than one may think and so I feel a clarification is in order. Many view unforgiveness as a tool of retribution. They vow and tell the person who they feel has perpetrated a wrong against them, that they will NEVER forgive them. They say this with vehemence and loathing. In their mind they are thinking of this as a form of retribution and punishment. This person will be forced to live the balance of their lifetime, or the stated amount of time, knowing they are not forgiven.

I want you to realize what affect this has on you; because forgiveness is about you basically, not about the other person. As you create hate and unforgiveness around this incident, you are tied to it. You are stuck and cannot move forward. So I would ask you, who has the control? Do you feel you have control of this issue? You have tied yourself to the situation and to the person who was involved. Unless you can forgive, you will be tied to it for whatever time it takes you to come to the realization that you need to forgive.

Many do not realize how important forgiveness is and what an impact it has on every area of their life. Thoughts of hurt, hate and retribution, may be held for years.. All the while it is festering within like an infection. This infection sends poison into your system which can affect you not only emotionally and mentally but affect you on the physical level.

So this is how important forgiveness is in your life and I know that many people have never really stopped to realize or think about it before. Carrying around thoughts like these are detrimental to every aspect of your being. At this point I’m sure you are wondering how this can be corrected.

The act of forgiving.

Many people have never forgiven simply because they really don’t know how to go about it and lack an understanding. You can either forgive a person by going to them personally and asking their forgiveness or you can do it on an inner level. Doing it on an inner level is just as effective as doing so in person.

Many times there are those who have crossed over and it is not possible to forgive them in person. It may be thought to be too late to forgive, but this is not true. We are all one with God; all connected making one whole. So doing this on an inner level reaches the person as effectively as in person. It will be received on an inner level, probably not consciously, but they will have received.

Visualization for forgiveness.

  1. Visualize yourself standing in front of the person you wish to forgive just as though you were there physically.
  2. Begin explaining what they did to you and how it made you feel. Explain everything exactly as you see it. Do not display hate or vehemence, you calmly explain everything.
  3. After you have finished explaining say “But I forgive you.”
  4. Visualize a beam of while light from your heart to their heart. Visualize a beam from their heart to your heart and as it connects you are both enveloped in white light.
  5. Visualize the same thing with pink light, the light of unconditional love. You are now both enveloped in a beautiful sparkling pinkish white light. This is the light of the creator and the light of unconditional love.
  6. See both of you enveloped in this light until you feel it is completed. You will know.

If this is a very deep hurt it may take more than one time. It may take many times. It may be like peeling the layers of an onion. With each “peeling” comes a little more relief. You yourself will know when this has been completed. You will know by the way you feel about the person and situation.

You cannot control or change another; you can only control your own thoughts, actions and emotions. You always have choice of how you wish to feel or react to a situation. If this forgiveness is for something that is on-going, you can by your own choice distance yourself from it. By this I don’t particularly mean physical distance – I mean emotional distance.

Again, what you need to realize is that you cannot change or control another person, you can only change or control yourself. The answer lies within you. Every time you think of the person and how irritating they may be, immediately realize what you are doing and “bless the divine within them”. Learn to do this continually until it becomes habit. This way you won’t build resentment and ill feelings. Remember no matter how they act, they still have a spark of God within, so bless this part.

You can communicate with this person on an inner level. You do this in the same way as in the forgiveness visualization above. You visualize yourself standing next to the person and if for example they have been insulting you, say to them, “I bless you for always thinking positive thoughts of me and saying such nice things about me.” In other words you hold the vision of what you want, not what you do not want.

Each time the person does something that may be mean, insulting, and hateful, you visualize how you want to be treated by them just as though it’s happening. By holding the thought of how you wish that person to act, you are actually helping them to act in that manner. The more people holding the thought of them acting in that manner, the more help it will be.

Remember, to forgive does not mean having to be that person’s friend, love them, be around them. It simply means you forgive their actions and you bless the divine within them and you hold the best and loving thoughts of them.

To forgive means you are free; free to leave those situations behind and move forward. You cut the ties and are now able to move along your path and evolve and grow. Forgiveness is about YOU, your health and well-being and becoming the divine spirit you truly are.

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“Forgiveness is about you, not the other person.”

“Unless you can learn to forgive, you are tied to the incident and cannot move forward.”

“Many do not realize how important forgiveness is and what an impact it has on every area of their life.”

Gunter gives a 5 step visualization process for forgiveness.

Channeled by Margaret McCormick